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A Little Christmas Dream
194,8 KB
DRM: Wasserzeichen
ISBN-13: 9783769393309
Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum: 18.12.2024
Sprache: Englisch
erhältlich als:
CHF 2.50
inkl. MwSt.
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Mehr InfosMelissa is visiting her grandparents for Christmas, as she does every year. Everything seems perfect, from the polished cutlery to the most beautiful Christmas tree in the neighborhood and the most delicious lemon meringue pie Melissa has ever eaten. The presents are Melissa's main focus, but when she meets Marie-Therese and Philipp, a boy from the neighborhood, she quickly realizes what the real meaning of Christmas is. But the story takes a surprising turn. Merry Christmas! Here's to remembering the true value of Christmas.
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