Exploring Infinity

Exploring Infinity

Solving the Mysteries of Time and Space

Stephen Janusz , GbR SchoonMediaServices (Hrsg.)

Geistes-, Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften


596,5 KB

DRM: hartes DRM

ISBN-13: 9783848283248

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 02.05.2013

Sprache: Englisch

CHF 6.00

inkl. MwSt.

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We have discussed the concepts of eternity, evil, time, witchcraft, evolution, spirits, science and religion. The only conclusion is what we previously said of Aristotle, Greek philosopher, hundreds of years B.C.: "The only thing I know is that I don't know ". We would only hope that what another greater Thinker once said, is true, that there is the existence of an eternal reward in "Nirvana", "Heaven", or "after-life". In this earth, the Alpha and the Omega are shielded from our eyes, perhaps for our own good. Maybe our life is a kind of a training film, or as a proving grounds, to test our good from our unworthy traits. Many stories are told about people who have almost passed to the "other side", and come back to relate what they have seen. These people have no collusion, but all have a common thread: a light, a tunnel, a great expectation. Let us "hope" that their "faith" can lead to our greatest desire, that the Being that gave us these longings has the "charity" to not let it all end here. History repeats itself they say. But in order to be "gods", we will have to be as holy as "Buddha". Remember the Commandment "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me. The greatest sin was Lucifer's, the sin of Pride. Let us realize that whatever was the cause, Somebody wanted to share creation with us and communicate. The Word was God, and dwelt among us.

We have noted that there are explanations of the infinite from people like Confucius, Buddha, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Galileo, Newton, Goethe, Heisenberg, Einstein, and lately, Hawking.

But only one Person has all the answers — JESUS
Stephen Janusz

Stephen Janusz

Stephen Janusz was born in Buffalo N.Y. in 1946, another baby boomer. He worked with his grandfather on his concept of a ″perpetual motion″ machine in the 1950's. That is where he got his interest in ″infinity″. He went to a Catholic Grammar School, Catholic High School and finally Canisius College in Buffalo NY. This is where he minored in Philosophy. Being taught by Jesuits, he incorporated his concepts of the Metaphysical and Natural science.
After graduation, he became a special weapons Officer for the U.S. Army in 1968.Since then, he has traveled extensively in Europe from 1972 to 2010, and attended Troy State University, overseas branch, where he received a Master's Degree in Human Resource Management in 1977. He taught Mathematics for Big Bend Community College and Central Texas College overseas.

GbR SchoonMediaServices

GbR SchoonMediaServices (Hrsg.)

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