from Pen (elope) with love xxx

Diana Button

Klassiker & Lyrik


669,1 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783751909242

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 24.03.2020

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: poetry, prose, art, Spirituality, awakening

CHF 8.00

inkl. MwSt.

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Mehr Infos
Who are we? What are poems and stories? Can their messages touch us so deeply that we are transformed like The Ugly Duckling transforms into the magnificent swan it was all along? These are some of the questions that are at the heart of this book of poems, prose pieces and letters from two decades of Diana's writing life. It is a collection of work filled with imagery, insights, intimacy and emotion. From Pen (elope) with love takes us to the centre of the human heart and invites us to dance with our humanness, our vulnerabilities, our passions, our childlike wonder and delight, all the while, heading in the direction of our true home. This book will speak to anyone who is on the path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It is also for fellow writers and poets seeking nourishment, encouragement, and company on the journey.
Diana Button

Diana Button

Diana Button was born in the UK in the 1960s but has lived her adult life in various European countries: Germany, Luxembourg and Italy.

She began writing in her thirties and has published several books: a novel set in Luxembourg, Marrying it All; a book of poetry, Bubbles to the Surface and poems and prose in the following anthologies: Writing from a Small Country and D'Waasser am Mond.

Besides writing, she loves to teach and practice yoga, walk alone in forests and spend time with family and friends

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