Geheimcode Erfolgsspirale

Geheimcode Erfolgsspirale

Endlich das Prinzip des Erfolges verstehen

Christine Hofmann

Karriere & Finanzen


180 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783744814669

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 02.05.2017

Sprache: Deutsch

Farbe: Nein

CHF 25.90

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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Egal, in welchem Lebensbereich Sie sich positive Veränderungen wünschen, der Geheimcode der Erfolgsspirale gilt immer.

Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch:
die 12 Ziffern des Geheimcodes,
wie die Erfolgsspirale funktioniert,
warum Aufschieberitis Sie nicht weiterbringt,
was Blockaden mit Ihnen machen,
wie Sie Ihre Blockaden und Erfolgskiller selber lösen,
effektive und nachhaltige Problemlöser

"Statt der großen Visionen und Mega-Ziele sind es gerade die kleinen Schritte, die in Summe das große Ganze ausmachen. Sie werden mit dem Buch wachsen, sich entwickeln, verblüfft erleben, dass die Spirale Sie ent- und beschleunigt und nach einer Zeit des TUNs fast schwerelos trägt." (Torsten Will, Der Erfolgstrainer)
Christine Hofmann

Christine Hofmann

Success and Life coach Christine Hofmann
is specialized on the topics

Personality development
Success Coaching
Fast, simple and sustainable Realease
of Blockages
Holistic mentoring

Christine Hofmann: Since 2008 I have been working as a coach, speaker, holistic mentor and author with heart and mind. I´ve made it:
I escaped from the work and success rat race, into a conscious, holistic and balanced life. To be successful in my opinion does not only mean to have a good income and reputation, but rather to achieve and maintain a healthy balance in all areas of life.
It is important for me that you concentrate on yourself and your own purpose in life to be able to support others to their full potential.
I will ignite your inner fire, break chains and bring your potentials to their effectiveness. Many people fail to achieve their goals because of their inner barriers. With coaching, mentoring, lectures, workshops, books, video courses and audios I support people in tracking down their life goals and to experience them despite all challenges. For me, joy and fun, especially in business, means finding magic in everything.
My life's work is to help people reach their true strength. Irrespective of whether they are successful entrepreneurs or those who are still at the very beginning or are starting over again: Everyone has the right, and even the responsibility to themselves, to be happy, free and successful.
In over 20 years as an MTLA in the health care sector and over nine years of self-employment, I have experienced and learned from many perspectives. Whether as an employee and working mother who completed and carried out her tasks,
or as a manager who delegated responsibility and ran a company. One thing is the same in all positions: Success comes from taking ACTION, as worn-out as the sentence may sound, but even the one who acts with fun, joy and own motivation is much more successful!


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