Good Night, My Baby, Sleep Well

Soft baby sleep is no child's play (Baby sleep guide: Tips for falling asleep and sleeping through in the 1st year of life)

Anke Beyer

Eltern & Kinder


222,4 KB

DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783746007038

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.02.2018

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: softer healthy baby sleep tips guide, sleep problems baby like babies fall asleep through sleep, baby does not sleep sleep disturbances advice for parents, baby sleep learning to learn to sleep book for parents, sleep rhythm for baby advice for parents ebook

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Mehr Infos
"About the book" Good Night, My Baby, Sleep Well: Soft baby sleep is no child's play (Baby sleep guide: Tips for falling asleep and sleeping through in the 1st year of life)

In the first few months of a baby's life, the topic of "baby sleep" can become the dominant family theme...

# The way to a firm sleep rhythm
Even babies need different amounts of sleep at night
The baby has yet to find its sleep rhythm
Infants learn to calm themselves first
Sleeping well takes time - endurance is required here
Every now and then, parents need extra tuition

# Good basis for soft and healthy baby sleep
Infants need the experience of security and reliability
Everyday routine helps the baby to find a rhythm
Just a tired baby likes to sleep too
Prevent the baby from getting tired - otherwise it is difficult to fall asleep and relax
Increased screaming and howling is often a sign of lack of sleep
Independence during the day also supports at night (rest)
Sleeping independently makes sleeping through easier for the baby

# The appropriate sleeping environment is important for a soft baby sleep
Safe baby sleep - always in supine position
Safe and secure stored in a cradle, bassinet or cot
Good equipment of the sleeping place - with sleeping bag but without pillow
Don't wear the baby too thickly for baby sleep - this is the best way to get a good night's sleep
Quality and safety always take priority when it comes to cribs and cots
In the parents' bedroom, the baby bed is in the best of hands - naturally smoke-free!
Sleeping together in a family bed with some safety rules

# If the baby doesn't calm down and sleep causes problems
Not every sleep problem is a sleep disorder at first go
Sleep problems often do not come alone
Overcoming serious sleep problems with professional help
Anke Beyer

Anke Beyer

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