Handbook Change Management

Handbook Change Management

Management of Change Processes in Organizations Influencing Factors and Parties Involved Concepts, Instruments and Methods

Georg Kraus, Christel Becker-Kolle, Thomas Fischer

Wirtschaft & Management


320 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783746022413

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.12.2017

Sprache: Deutsch

Farbe: Nein

CHF 40.90

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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This handbook, translated from the German, deals with change processes in companies and organizations. It provides information on the fundamental principles, background and methods and instruments of change management and is aimed at those responsible for change management within companies and organizations, as well as at external consultants, coaches and trainers.
The book combines the focal areas of organizational development and human resources within a single holistic approach to the planning and management of change processes, offering guidance on:
- The fundamental principles, leadership, dynamics and management of change processes and corporate/organizational culture
- Typical errors to avoid; success factors
- Specific instruments of change management, divided into structural and analogous interventions
- Environment and limiting factors, organizational forms and consulting issues
The authors are experienced change management consultants: Prof. Dr. Georg Kraus is owner of Dr. Kraus & Partner Bruchsal, one of the leading change management consultant firms in Germany and professor for leadership and interpersonal skills, Christel Becker-Kolle is a psychologist with a deep understanding of personal transformation and Thomas Fischer a highly-experienced change management trainer.
Georg Kraus

Georg Kraus

Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur (equiv. to a Master’s degree in industrial engineering). Georg is a lecturer at the Clausthal University of Technology and possesses long-standing experience as a change management consultant. He supports companies in the execution of turnaround processes.

Christel Becker-Kolle

Christel Becker-Kolle

Dipl.-Psychologin (equiv. to a Master’s degree in psychology) and business economist with formal education in business philosophy and business culture management. In her work as a consultant and coach, Christel builds on the experience amassed during her time as human resources manager and manager of organizational and HR development departments in a variety of companies. She has advised these companies during both the set-up and dismantling phases.

Thomas Fischer

Thomas Fischer

Dipl.-Psychologe (equiv. to a Master’s degree in psychology). Thomas began his professional career as a change management consultant at a business consulting firm. He then went on to gain several years of experience as a management trainer and coach at a large bank, where he led change projects and supported project managers and senior management in the implementation of change processes. He has worked as a freelance consultant since 1998, training senior management and project managers, as well as advising companies on change projects.

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