
A gentle therapy to help the brain help itself

Meike Wiedemann, Kirsten Segler

Natur- & Humanwissenschaften


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DRM: Wasserzeichen

ISBN-13: 9783759789389

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 08.05.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Neurofeedback, Mental health, traumatic stress, Autism, ADHD

CHF 10.00

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Mehr Infos
Power Training for the Brain

Everyone can benefit from neurofeedback, a gentle approach that stimulates the brain's capacity to develop. This effective form of therapy is used to treat a whole variety of mental health problems, such as ADHD, autism, depression, migraine, anxiety disorders and traumatic stress reactions. The procedure helps the brain to in an effortless way to regulate itself better, in many cases with life-long success.
Meike Wiedemann and Kirsten Segler explain in a simple and straightforward way how neurofeedback works and how it is applied. Using a number of case histories they show the many ways in which this effective treatment method can help. They also provide some important information on good therapeutic practice and some tipps as to how to find the right therapist.
Meike Wiedemann

Meike Wiedemann

Dr. rer.nat. Meike Wiedemann is a neurobiologist and therapist with her own practice in Stuttgart, Germany. She has been working with neurofeedback for nearly 30 years and is actively engaged in advancing the ILF-method in particular through research projects and training.


Kirsten Segler

Kirsten Segler

Kirsten Segler is also a biologist. However, after gaining her degree she turned to journalism. She writes for magazines such as Men's Health and Brigitte and is also the author of books on the subjects of health, diet and nature.

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