picture works of direction

initiative of a science of direction

Geist Brückner

Geistes-, Sozial- & Kulturwissenschaften


68 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9783982536217

Verlag: Performanzverlag

Erscheinungsdatum: 27.03.2023

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Regie, Wissenschaft, Semiotik, Medienkommunikation, wissenschaftliche Forschung

CHF 28.50

inkl. MwSt. / portofrei

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A direction was missing in the history. The direction was a failed project. It was without truth. The prophets of direction were paintings in the Christianity and symbol languages in the Judaism and decorations in the Islam. The forerunners of direction were uneducated. The forerunners of direction had behaviours and social actions without a connection with the subject. They had no definition. They had no knowledge about the outer space system. They had no knowledge about the astrophysics. The axioms of the astrophysics are necessary in order to create a science of direction. A science of direction includes the theory of science, the logic, the astrophysics, the metaphysics, the semiotics and the media creation. This book shall convey the analysis methods of picture works of the direction. It shall convey the semiotics of sign languages and metaphors. This book is the beginning of a science of direction.
Geist Brückner

Geist Brückner

2011 - 2013 bachelor of arts Philosophie Universität Leipzig
2013 - 2017 bachelor of arts Philosophie Freie Universität Berlin
2017 - 2018 master of arts Regie und Tanz
2018 Doktortitel Regiewissenschaft
2019 - 2024 Doktortitel Psychologie und Doktortitel Astrophysik

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