

Miss Greenwood

Klassiker & Lyrik


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ISBN-13: 9783769372502

Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 19.12.2024

Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch

Schlagworte: Erotic poetry, self-discovery, polyamory, sexual awakening, emotional journey, self-healing, personal groth, sensual verses, intimate reflections, sexual exploration, queer poetry, love and relationships, emotional vulnerability, body positivity, romantic liberation

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"Always follow your heart. It might be on your left but is always right."

An intimate and poetic journey through all the highs and lows of an unrequited love that lasted over four years. With her poems, Miss Greenwood shows that the dynamics of life and love are anything but black or white and cannot be labelled in any concrete way. Rather, it is black and white, and the boundaries are all too often and suddenly blurred. Courting the one you love, fighting, giving up, fighting again, resigning again, always with a laughing and crying eye of gratitude to be able to feel and eventually accept and realise that ultimately no one but yourself can make you happy or unhappy.

Eine intime und poetische Reise durch alle Höhen und Tiefen einer über vier Jahre andauernden, unerwiderten Liebe. Mit ihren Gedichten zeigt Miss Greenwood, dass die Dynamik des Lebens und der Liebe alles andere als nur Schwarz oder Weiß ist und nicht mit einem konkreten Label versehen werden kann. Viel mehr ist sie Schwarz und Weiß und die Grenzen hierbei verschwimmen dabei nur allzu oft und urplötzlich. Den Geliebten umwerben, Kampfgeist, Aufgeben, erneutes Kämpfen, wieder Resignieren, all das stets mit einem lachenden und weinendem Auge der Dankbarkeit, fühlen zu dürfen, um schlussendlich zu akzeptieren und zu erkennen, dass letztendlich niemand außer dir selbst dich glücklich oder unglücklich machen kann.
Miss Greenwood

Miss Greenwood

Miss Greenwood's journey to find herself being polyamorous began in 2020, and it actually started more or less innocently and less spectacularly with the fact that she suddenly had the time to feel her feminine energy, but didn't really know where to put it.
With her strong passion for the English language, she started writing sexy short stories for adults but soon found out (for herself!) that real attraction actually lies in deeper emotion, connection and trust. Her aim in writing prose and poetry is to create passionate moments, giving good vibes and thought-provoking impulses rather than to convince others that polyamory is the one and only way to become happy (it certainly is not!).
The only way to happiness lies in authenticity, integrity and sincerity with yourself and your partner(s), and she empowers you to free yourself from these proclaimed societal corsets of monogamy (if you feel like it!) and encourages you to be yourself and stay true to yourself so that you can live and love life and its dynamics to the fullest.

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