The Forensic Facial Reconstruction of Shep-en-Isis

The Forensic Facial Reconstruction of Shep-en-Isis

3. Auflage

Michael E. Habicht, Cicero Moraes, Renate Siegmann, Francesco M. Galassi, Elena Varotto

Natur- & Humanwissenschaften


9,7 MB

DRM: hartes DRM

ISBN-13: 9783755758938

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.01.2022

Sprache: Englisch

CHF 5.00

inkl. MwSt.

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Mehr Infos
Shep-en-Isis, a mummy from Ancient Egypt, has been in St. Gallen since 1820. It has the reputation of being the most famous mummy in Switzerland and is kept in the monastery library. For the first time, her face has been reconstructed using modern forensic methods.
3rd edition.
Michael E. Habicht

Michael E. Habicht

Dr. Michael E. Habicht, studierte Klassische Archäologie und Ägyptologie den Universitäten Zürich und Basel. Er hat sich auf das Neue Reich, die Königsgräber und Unterweltsbücher, sowie auf die Zeit von Echnaton, Nofretete und Tutanchamun spezialisiert.

Dr. Michael E. Habicht, studied Classical Archaeology and Egyptology at the Universities of Zurich and Basel. He specialized in the New Kingdom, the royal tombs and underworld books, as well as in the time of Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tutankhamun.
He is Senior Research Fellow (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)


Cicero Moraes

Cicero Moraes

Cícero Moraes is a Brazilian 3D designer, whose work in open source programs like InVesalius, Blender and MakeHuman has become a reference in the field of forensic facial reconstruction in his country.
His best-known work is the facial reconstruction of St. Anthony of Padua, as well as other famous people like Maria Magdalena, Señhor de Sipán, Jesus Christ or Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta
During the year 2013 he created 12 panels on facial reconstruction related to human evolution, these were presented in the exhibition "Faces of Evolution" at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and in Curitiba, Brazil.
In August 2014, Moraes was awarded with an honorary degree from the City Council of Sinop, the Commendation Colonizer Enio Pipino.

Renate Siegmann

Renate Siegmann

Renate Siegmann studierte Sport und Ägyptologie. Sie hat zahlreiche Publikationen zu Ägyptischen Themen veröffentlicht, darunter bedeutende Studien zu ägyptischen Särgen in schweizer Sammlungen.

Francesco M. Galassi

Francesco M. Galassi

Prof. Dr. Galassi studierte Medizin an den Universitäten Bologna und Utrecht und arbeitet als Paleopathologe. Zahlreiche Publikationen in High-Impact Fachzeitschriften und Buchpublikationen.
Prof. Dr. Galassi studied medicine at the Universities of Bologna and Utrecht and works as a paleopathologist. Numerous publications in high-impact journals and book publications.

Elena Varotto

Elena Varotto

Elena Varotto, bioarchaeologist and forensic anthropologist (Research Fellow at Flinders University, Australia, and deputy director of the FAPAB Research Center, Sicily, Italy), is the author of several paleopathological and anthropological publications and leads numerous research projects.

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