Lennart, a seemingly "ordinary" 33-year-old man, finds his life turned upside down when a car breakdown and a series of coincidences lead him to an undiscovered Nazi bunker in Staaken, near Berlin. Inside, he stumbles upon a machine that unintentionally catapults him to Allcon, a world 40 light-years away. The hostile environment makes returning home nearly impossible, despite his many creative attempts. Lennart's life changes drastically. But then, he meets Zafina, an Allconian who captures his heart. Will she return his love? Will he find a way back? Join Lennart on this thrilling adventure!
"The world is only 'this and that' or 'this and that', because we tell ourselves that it is." - Carlos Castaneda (The Doctrine of Don Juan)
As short as this sentence is, as much inspiration can be drawn from it. While people as a whole are limited, thoughts and imagination remain free. So you can not only find solutions, but also create whole cities, countries or even worlds.
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