The Natural And The Unnatural

The Natural And The Unnatural

On happiness by regaining our natural health.

Hubert Neys

Gesundheit, Ernährung & Fitness


258 Seiten

ISBN-13: 9789065231413

Verlag: Uitgeverij van Brug

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2024

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: health, addiction, Ecology, Enlightenment, Spirituality

CHF 28.90

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This book analyzes the bad state of the world, the causes for it, and gives us a solution to those problems by giving us a completely new perspective on ourselves.

We are not who we think we are. In this new view, this new paradigm, we are all addicts of our cultural lifestyle where we mainly get pleasure and not the real internal happiness we've lost. And in that search for the filling of our holes we destroy our own world. From medication to meditation it is all a remedy, it's mopping with the tap open. This book is about the prevention of it all. About closing the tap so we don't have to mop anymore.

The author comes with a new unifying view that defies boundaries and reunites all our problems to one underlying cause. And with a cause comes a solution on how to quickly get back to original health, love and happiness.

The book gives new insights into old problems like war and peace, rules, freedom and anarchy. And it gives a simple solution to the problem of using drugs. It also solves the problem of being overweight. After reading this book you will know how to eat everything you like and as much as you want and so automatically reach your ideal weight. And you will feel much better!

This book is a rehabilitation of nature in us. It makes us, the readers, our own experts and so we become independent of governments and other authorities to organize it for us.

War, hunger, poverty, the problem of drugs, it is all easy to solve it. In fact we don't have to address these problems, we don't have to change the world. We only all have to understand the cause of our problems and change our behavior accordingly. With the insights in this book everybody can help bring paradise on earth.
Hubert Neys

Hubert Neys

Hubert Neys (1954) experiments for 35 years with the natural and the unnatural to find the way back to happiness. This book is the result of this quest. He currently lives in Indonesia.

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