The S.K.A.L.-Method

The S.K.A.L.-Method

Out of the stress trap in just 64 seconds!

Gottfried Eckert

Selbsthilfe & Recht


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ISBN-13: 9783753494050

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.07.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: The S.K.A.L.-Method, Stress, Stress Management, relaxation, Gottfried Eckert

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The S.K.A.L.-Method. Out of the stress trap in just 64 seconds! (English edition)

Out of the stress trap in just 64 seconds?

No problem ... Just practice the S.K.A.L.-Method!

This simple, low-threshold and at the same time highly effective procedure with a Pareto effect (20 % effort - 80 % profit) will empower you to switch off your inner (stress) alarm system. So to say at the push of a button! And the clou is: it is suitable for everyday use. Are you interested?

Content of the book: Introduction and theoretical basics. The S.K.A.L.-Method. Add-on: Nutrition. Add-on: Self-massage. Add-on: Lifestyle. Spoiler: The epigenetic L.I.F.E.-Temple

Keywords: The S.K.A.L.-Method. Stress. Stress Management. Relaxation. Mental calming. Self-regularization. Self-empowerment. Gottfried Eckert.

Book title: The S.K.A.L.-Method. Out of the stress trap in just 64 seconds! (English edition), Original title: Die S.K.A.L.-Methode. In nur 64 Sekunden raus aus der Stressfalle! (translated from German into English), Author: Gottfried Eckert, Production and publishing: BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt, ISBN: 9783754313824, Paperback, 48 pages, b/w, 21,0 x 14,8 cm
Gottfried Eckert

Gottfried Eckert

Gottfried Eckert (born 1966) is an expert in health promotion and management. He heads the Institut für berufliche Bildung, Gesundheit und Soziales.


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