Track Data-Oriented Maintenance Intervention Limit Determination for Ballasted Light Rail Tracks through Multibody Simulations

Track Data-Oriented Maintenance Intervention Limit Determination for Ballasted Light Rail Tracks through Multibody Simulations

David Camacho Alcocer

Band 30: Neues verkehrswissenschaftliches Journal

Industrie & Technik


14,7 MB

DRM: kein Kopierschutz

ISBN-13: 9783753434032

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 13.07.2021

Sprache: Englisch

Schlagworte: Track Geometry, Light Rail Transit, Track Geometry Data, Track Geometry Index, Multibody simulation

CHF 21.00

inkl. MwSt.

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Light rail trains (LRT) are an important part of public transport but due to perceived high life-cycle costs are not always considered suitable. Life cycle cost reduction might be achieved through a knowledge-based maintenance management rather than just on experience. This work develops limits of maintenance and renewal of LRT systems based on vehicle reactions to the current track quality through measured data, multibody simulations and track geometry indices. An approach based on knowledge would lead to a track condition which allows a safe, comfortable, and under an appropriate maintenance strategy, economically profitable operation.
David Camacho Alcocer

David Camacho Alcocer

David Camacho Alcocer was born in Naucalpan, Mexico. He studied his Bachelor´s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In Los Angeles, California, he developed his engineering career as an civil engineer in medium and large land development projects. He studied his Master´s degree in Infrastructure Planning at the University of Stuttgart. In October 2019 obtained his Ph.D. at the Institute of Railway and Transportation Engineering of the University of Stuttgart.

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